Writer against co-habitation at Carnegie Mellon U.
Could this be tongue-in-cheek?
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via Capitol Hill Blue:
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via Capitol Hill Blue:
Carnegie Mellon University, perhaps the finest academic institution in Pittsburgh and one of the best in the nation, has announced that it will allow opposite-sex students to share rooms under a pilot program in the fall.
Being a leading member of the fuddy-duddy community, I am against it, as this could start a new trend — already roughly 30 schools, private and public, are said to have some form of gender-neutral housing.
I find it shocking that these young people are allowed so much freedom in this modern era. Freedom is a precious right and should only be encouraged in countries that we invade and lay waste. At home, it merely causes people to become too free and easy.
My view is that people of all ages should behave and dress modestly, perhaps in head-to-toe garments impregnable to romantic overtures at all times. In the good old days, members of opposite sexes lived in separate digs patrolled by guard dogs and the cold showers ran non-stop.